食物: apple ,bread, banana ,cheese ,cake ,carrot , cookie, dumpling, dough ,egg ,yogurt,hamburger,ice cream, fruits, juice ,
meat, mango , milk, noodle, onion, orange grape, pineapple, peach , potato ,pear , pie, pizza ,sandwiches soup , strawberry, sauce ,sausage
tomato ,,watermelon, water ,
交通工具 :motorbike,Taxi, boat, truck bike,bus plane ,ship,car ,
動物: bug,dragon ,grasshopper, seahorse ,crab,dinosaur,panda,snake, fox,puppy,giraffe shark ,Bee, butterfly bird spider,horse, sheep frog dog pig ,mouse cat duck sheep fish lion turtle , chicken,
Elephant tiger ,monkey hen cow bear
人稱: brother grandma,grandpa,mummy,
daddy,mom, dad, sister,teacher driver ,clown.children ,people,
baby,birthday, Polly ,friend ,girl
身體部位: eyebrow,hand head shoulders knee toes eye ears mouth nose tongue,teeth belly button face tummy arm belly
chin finger foot
衣物: Shampoo,urine,Hat, pants socks;shirt shoes blanket ,pajamas, towel , boots,
生活物品及其他常見詞:, nut,road,house,paper,dustbin,trash,hopper ,potty, puzzles phone,glue,trash, shadow
puppet,song,glasses,knife,dirt,farm chopsticks,bottle ,box,spoon, fork, bowl table oven, soap,pan,bed chair floor door rattle toy book bubble puddle rain rainbow umbrella wall ball bag tree grass flower Moon star sun snow snowman rainbow tall small big light
動詞動名詞:close your eyes ,hug you, I love you,be careful, be quiet ,get up ,writing,dig,finish,cut,knock,Eating sleeping laughing,sitting crawling smiling crying,cooking hiding helping show walk run jump swim, dance,snap ,read sit fly play hide up yes no stand ,bite,turn around ,open,knock ,thank you ,touch,goodbye wash brush teeth, kick sleep ,turn off the light, sit down ,lie down,come here , come back, good morning,good night,goodbye,go away ,let's go ,jump rope ,don't touch ,close the door ,throw a ball ,I don't know ,go to bed ,set alarm ,cross the road
形容詞 big, small,dirty,thirsty,angry ,sorry,round dark cold,hot,clean, hungry ,faster ,tired,sleepy,sad , happy , smelly,
其他詞: market tomorrow , family,I find it. monster
句子:where are you? I am here.