【雙語精讀】牛津樹1階精讀筆記 At the Park 逛公園

2020-6-6 14:41 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6


Hello everyone, this is Kevin's Mom, today we'll continue to read Oxford Reading Tree Stage 1+ Patterned Stories, and today's story is called At the Park. 大家好,我是康媽。今天我們將繼續(xù)親子共讀牛津樹第一階固定模式的故事部分,今天的故事名字叫 At the Park《在公園》。

Kids, I bet you've been to the park before, right? Where is your nearest park? What is it like? 小朋友們,我可以肯定你們以前去公園玩過,對吧?離你們最近的公園是在哪里呢?那個公園長什么樣子呢?

In today's story, Kipper's family go to play at the park, let's read it to see what they play there. 在今天的故事里呢,Kipper一家人去公園玩了,他們都玩了些什么呢?我們一起讀一讀吧~

Cover Page

MM: Look at the front cover, we can see that the whole family is walking on the path, where do you think they are going? 封面上,我們可以看到Kipper全家人走在一條小路上,你覺得他們要去哪里呢?

BB: I think they are going to play at the park ahead of them. 我覺得他們要去前方的公園玩。

MM: Yeah, right, ahead of them there is a large area of green land on which we can see swing, seesaw and slide, yes, they are going to play at the park. 對噠,在他們前方有一大片草地,上面還有秋千,蹺蹺板還有話題,是噠,他們正準備去公園玩。

And also at the gate of the park, there is a red sign on which there is a picture of something that is being crossed, and this means that something is not allowed in the park. What is not allowed? We will find it out later. 在公園門口呢還掛著一個紅色牌子,上面有個圖片被劃掉了,說明在公園里有個東西是禁止的,到底禁止什么呢?我們一會兒就知道了。

Let's read the title: At the Park.  Then what things do you think they will do at the park? 標題是:在公園,那么你覺得他們會在公園里什么事呢?

BB: I think they will play at the park, like swinging, sliding, or playing in the sandbox. 我覺得他們要在這里玩,比如蕩秋千呀,滑滑梯啊,或者在沙坑里玩。

MM: Please check the backcover for more clue, it says "The children have fun at the park." This is the summary of this book. 請看下封底哦,封底說:孩子們在公園玩得很開心。這句話是這本書的總結哦。

Page 1

MM: Here we can see that the family have arrived to the park, but look, what is Dad doing? 現(xiàn)在我們可以看到他們全家人已經走到公園啦,但是你看,爸爸在做什么呢?

BB: He is tying the dog leash to the sign, and Floppy is frowning and he looks so unhappy. Why does Dad do that? Why doesn't he take Floppy into the park? Why does Floppy looks so unhappy? 爸爸正把狗繩系到標志牌上,F(xiàn)loppy皺著眉頭,看起來一臉不高興。爸爸為什么要那么做呢?他為什么不把Floppy帶進公園呢?Floppy為什么看起來不開心呢?

MM: Here the sign can be seen very clearly, right? On the sign there is a black shape of a dog which is crossed, and it says "NO DOGS", oh, it turns out that dogs are not allowed at this park. 現(xiàn)在我們可以很清楚地看到這個牌子啦,對吧?牌子上畫著一個黑色的狗狗的形狀,這個狗狗被劃掉了,上面還寫著:NO DOGS, 哦, 原來呀這個公園是不讓狗狗進去玩的。

MM: Can you tell why there is such a rule as no dogs allowed at the park? 你能說一說為什么會有這樣一個規(guī)則:狗狗不能入內嗎?

On one hand, dogs might pee or poop at the park, which can be very dirty, therefore most parks are only open for kids and adults.  一方面呢,狗狗可能會在公園拉尿或者拉粑粑,會搞得比較臟,所以呢大部分公園只針對孩子和大人開放。

On the other hand, some dogs might bark or chase the kids, which might frighten some young kids and it can be very dangerous. And that is why. 另一方面呢,有些狗狗可能會叫或者追小朋友,可能就會嚇到他們,這樣的話就會非常危險。這就是原因咯。

MM: Now do you know why Floppy looks so unhappy and even angry? Because everyone else is going to play at the park except him. He has to stay at the gate all alone, which was not expected earlier. 現(xiàn)在你知道為什么Floppy看起來一臉不高興,甚至很生氣嗎?因為其他人都要進去公園玩了,只有他一個得呆在外面。這可不是他預料之中的。

MM: Now let's read this page: Everyone went to the park. 每個人都去公園啦。

Please look at the kids, who is that running so fast into the park? Which equipmeng will he go on first? 來看看孩子們,誰跑的最快呀?你覺得他會先去玩什么呢?

Page 2-3

MM: Here we can see that someone is playing on the slide, who is he? 這里有人在滑滑梯,是誰呢?

BB: It is Chip who is playing on the slide. 是Chip。

MM: Yes, Chip went on the slide. 是噠,Chip爬上滑梯。

We can see that he's already climbed to the top of the slide and is gonna slide down, and Mum is at the end of the slide watching him. 這里呢我們可以看到Chip已經爬到了滑梯的頂端,正準備滑下來。媽媽呢正站在話題底部看著他。

MM: What about Floppy? Oh, he is barking at something, perhaps he wants to draw everyone's attention so that he can play too. 那么Floppy呢?他在大叫呢,或許呀,他想引起大家的注意,這樣他也能一起玩啦。

Page 4-5

MM: On Page 4-5, which kid can you see? What does she go on? 這兩頁上,你能看到誰呢?她在玩什么?

BB: I can see Biff who is riding on the horse. Biff,她在騎木馬。

MM: Yes, right, Biff went on the horse. 是噠,Biff騎上木馬。

MM: Who else can you see? Dad, right? He's standing near the horse, trying to protect her in case she fell off the horse, and he is giving Biff a big thumbs-up. 你還能看到誰呢?是爸爸,他正站在木馬旁邊,應該是要保護Biff,是吧,而且他正給Biff豎大拇指呢。

MM: Please look at Floppy, he is still frowning and looks a little bit bord since no one is playing with him. 請看下Floppy吧,他還皺著眉頭,看起來有點無聊啊,因為身邊沒有一個人陪他玩。

Page 6-7

MM: Finally we can see Kipper now, what is he playing? 終于看到Kipper啦,他在玩什么呢?

BB: He is playing on the swing, and look, Dad is pushing him.  他在蕩秋千呢,你看,爸爸在幫忙推呢。

MM: Right, Kipper went on the swing. Whoosh! Do you like to play on the swing? I do, since riding on the swing feels just like flying. 對噠,Kipper爬上秋千。哇!小朋友們,你們喜歡蕩秋千嗎?我很喜歡哦,蕩秋千的感覺就像飛一樣耶!

MM: Can you see Mum? Is she still standing there watching the kids? 你看到媽媽了嗎?她還站在旁邊看著孩子們么?

BB: No, she is playing see-saw with Biff and Chip. 沒有啦,她正在跟Biff還有Chip玩蹺蹺板呢。

MM: Mum went on the see-saw. 媽媽在玩蹺蹺板。

MM: What about Floppy? Is he still barking? No, he is laying on the grass, and I think he might want to go to sleep. 那么Floppy呢?他還在叫么?沒有了,他正趴在草地上,我覺得他快睡著了。

Page 8

MM: Oh, as we thought, Floppy does go to sleep. 噢,正如所料,F(xiàn)loppy確實睡著啦。

MM: And the whole family are now standing around him smiling, and they might be thinking: What a good dog! He is indeed a good dog because he did not pee or poop or bark or bite something while they were playing at the park, right? 他們全家人微笑著站在他身邊看著他,可能在想:Floppy真是條好狗狗??!他也確實是不錯的狗狗,因為他們在公園里面玩的時候,F(xiàn)loppy沒有拉尿也沒有拉粑粑,沒有大叫也沒有咬人,而是安靜地睡著啦。

MM: Floppy went to sleep. Floppy睡著了。


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